Dr. Janet came over to Nicole's house to do a checkin on Dr. Earl. She still runs a few test studying the effect after the swap.
"Hello Earl, how are you holding up?" she asked
"Hi Janet! I'm doing great!" he answered in a gleeful voice
"Oh wonderful!" Dr. Janet then done some motoric and psychological tests on Dr. Earl and wrote it down on her file.
"And we're all done young lady!" Dr. Janet said as she leaned in and gave Earl a big passionate kiss on the lips. It was surprising for Earl, but his body felt good from the kiss.
"I still can't believe its you inside little Nicole's body" Dr. Janet said
"Uh- what just happened? Why- Why I felt attracted to you? I usually just felt attracted to boys now ever since I'm Nicole." Dr. Earl asked in confusion
"That's because your body did the thinking for you. Nicole's a bisexual. And if you haven't figured it our, Nicole and I used to have 'fun' together." Dr. Janet explained. Immediately Dr. Earl stood up and pulled Dr. Janet to his bedroom.
Dr. Janet then gestured Earl to undress her and he complied, now being in the body of a teenage girl he felt helpless in front of Dr. Janet. Upon undressing Dr. Janet, Earl was greeted by Janet's gorgeous tits.
"Your- uh- Your tits is amazing" Earl said nervously
"Gosh I missed your body so much!" Exclaimed Janet, asking Earl to undress himself
Earl took off his tshirt as Janet leaned in. And taking a whiff of Earl's smell
"You smell so nice, you really take car of Nicole's body huh? And did you braid the hair yourself?"
"Um- Thank you... and- uh yes.. I learned it from youtube." Earl responded nevously, feeling dominated by Janet.
Soon the two of them undressed each other until both of the naked on the bed.
Janet pushed Earl down to bed, and she went down on his crotch.
"Have you ever had your pussy eaten?" asked Janet
"Well you're going to have the best time of your life!" Janet said and went down on Earl's pussy. Which sent Earl into waves of pleasure, where he can only moaned as Janet played her tongue around his new female organ.
And a few moments later Earl finally had the best orgasm he ever felt, his cum were bursting. And janet was happily licked them clean.
"Thank you- um for the experience." said Earl
"Don't mention it honey.. I'm happy that you can experience it." Janet said as she dressed herself and putting her file into her bag.
"So, you'll come again next month?"
"Yup, I'll come again next month for the monthly check-in. But you can call me anytime for some fun time..."
"Oh you know I will!"
"Okay the, I have to go now. Still lots to do at the lab. You behave there young lady, and keep up your good work of keeping that body hot!"
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