Saturday, November 30, 2024

Step Mom


When most people don't really have a good relation with their stepmom, but not me. It was clear that its something different and special happened between my stepmom and me.
About a year ago after my mother passed away because of her illness, my father remarried with Eleanor, she's actually really nice and take care of our family quite well. But I just wasnt having it, its still weird to have her around the house acting as the 'mother', specially the idea of her sleeping with my father.

One day, I came back from college for a break and when its only us both at home she approached me, revealing a secret.
"Hey Tom, I have something to tell you. I noticed you left your computer on and you were reading some TG Caption sites?" She said to me
"Now you're looking through my stuffs? Thats not right Eleanor!" I said in anger
"Hold on, I know you don't really like me, but I have something to show, that I know you'll like a lot!" she said with a smirk, and suddenly I feel a tug on my chest like my soul was ripped off my body. When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see my own face grinning.

"Hello Eleanor!" My body said to me, I looked down to find that I'm in her body, I was greeted by her.
I froze for a moment, my brain trying to process what just happened. I feel my back aching, the weight on my chest, the long hair, and even the emptyness in my cortch. I can feel her dress now covering my entire body, as I look back at what used to be my face.

She smiled in my body, and clearly eyeing me up and down.
"Go on! I know you want to have some fun as a woman" she said while staring at my breasts. i still stood frozen, so she approached me, grabbed my hand and place it onto my new flesh. It was surreal feeling how soft is it and to actually have my stepmom's tits. 

"Nice isn't it?" She whispers in my voice which weirdly turned me on, I can feel the dampness building in my crotch.
"Want the full Eleanor experience?" she said as i reply with a soft whimper and a nod. She then gently push me down to the couch and pull my tits out. 
She started massaging my tits which send waves of pleasure through my body, I can only react with moan. 

Closing my eyes, enjoying every sensation. Until suddenly I feel an object penetrating my new female part. 

"Shhhhh its okay sweetie... trust me you're gonna love this" I open my eyes to see her fully naked as she climbed on my old body. Her hands still on my tits and she used my cock to fuck me. 

"Omg Eleanor... ahhh it hurst.... mmmhh but... ahhh" My mind was all over the place, a stream of pure sexual pleasure filled my body. It felt warm, it felt magical, it was wonderful. She expertly use my stronger body to touch and pleasure me. I guess she knows what this body likes.

She kept going for a while, I have no idea how she's so good at this. But what I know is we both were having the best time of our lives. Which ended in exploding orgasm, and she actually filled my pussy with my own cum. She leaned down and kiss my cheeks.

"How was it? Bet you're loving this" She teased as she whispered in my ear
"Omg fuck, thats amazing Eleanor... Thank you" I say and followed with my giggle. She smiled satisfied, kiss me on my breasts. Then she put my clothes back on.

"I'm gonna finish preparing the dinner, you can help me with taking a shower in my body?" 
"Yes! Yes of course!" I said sitting on the couch still with my tits out and panting from the wild sex
"Oh and honey, we keep this a secret okay? Cant let your father know I'm a switcher.." She said and I nod.

"Good mom" she teased and smile. "now go get cleaned up, we can swap back before dinner" she said and leave to the kitchen.

And from that day forward, its been a fun bonding time of me and my stepmom. Whenever we feel like it we would swap and have some fun. Not always sexual tho, sometimes we just chill and hangout together as each other. 


  1. Hopefully this is a developing story- love to see more!

  2. Hey JesseTgCaps💕
    Love your blog! Especially the swap stories. I wanted to ask—how about a pin swap? 📌 I’ll add your blog to my list, and you can pin mine on yours.
    It’s a great way to share audiences and help more fans find cool content 📝Let me know if you’re up for it, and if you are—I’ll get yours posted right away! Looking forward to hearing from you! 💬

  3. Love it, has a lot of potential for more stories of these 2
