Saturday, June 27, 2020

Accepting His New Life

Due to DIA's agent's identities being leaked and DIA was teaming up with DreamTechs to change their agents' body and gave them new identities. many agents were very grateful of the change, and their new body gave them some advantages in their missions.
However, Agent Tom found the new body he got as a liability. He hated every second he was in his new Natasha's body. Previously he was the agency's top marksmen, but now he can feel his new body was too much of a hassle. His long hair always getting in the way when he was sniping his target. Maybe he will request for a new body, male preferably, or he would just resign from the agency.

1 comment:

  1. I would either immediately resign from the agency or try to get an office job within the agency, but I would certainly stay a woman forever! - Tom -
