Friday, September 17, 2021

Escort Life

 It was just like another night for Ella, getting a call from her client asking for an escort girl. She then would dress up nicely and come to accompany their clients on several occasion. 
Then her client would take her up to their room and she then required to give them sexual service. It has been going on for at least two years now, and being one of the most favorite girl Ella barely get a night off. 

But Ella kept a secret deep in her, she wasn't always been Ella. She used to be a guy named Steve. When she was a guy, she had a gambling addiction that caused her to be in a large debt. When she couldn't pay for it she then forced to be transformed into one of the casino and hotel's escort girl. She can work there until she has paid all of her debts.

Ella actually has paid her debts much sooner that what the casino hoped. What they believe might be years, she paid it off with only 3 months. She was really good as a call girl. Then she was getting really into her new life, and enjoying it very much that she decided to stay like this. 
The casino and hotel was really thrilled to hear this, offering her a permanent job as a call girl for their premises, and even give her own suite where she would stay and even sometimes can bring her client in too.

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