Monday, May 4, 2020

Just For a Day

"Can you explain why I'm waking up as you?" Mike walked out of the bedroom confronting Claire,his girlfriend with switching power.
"Oh morning babe.. Sorry I didn't tell you, but Amanda need help moving. And I figured that I'll borrow your body to help her lift some stuffs. You don't mind, do you?" Claire said as she buttoned up Mike's shirt shes wearing.

"It's not okay for you to switch us like this. You're stealing my body!" Mike said
"Sorry babe, but if I asked you to help Amanda moving, I bet you'll say no. So I think I can borrow your manly body just for a day to help her. And tonight we'll do the thing you like." Claire said and flirting with Mike a bit
"No! I want you to switch us back right now!" Mike demanded, and Claire reached her hand down into Mike's crotch ad gave a little rub on what used to be her clit. Mike fell silent and moaned.
"How about now? Still want to switch back?" Claire teased and laughed. She grabbed the car key and gave kiss on her old soft lips before walking towards the door.
"You're gonna be Claire for the whole day, I know you'll enjoy it. When I were out feel free to play with yourself, and when I'm home be ready to have my cock sliding deep into you!" Claire then walked and when she was about to close the door, she can see Mike has his finger inside his vagina biting his lips. She can tell that now he can't wait for Claire to be home.


  1. I will love it to be surprised by my girlfriend in this way .... . I would use the entire day to find out how to make the swap irreversable .... . - Tom -

  2. I would be longing for her to come home too, enjoying the sex as the opposite gender .... . - Tom -
