Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I'm Back!

 Hey! I'm back!
A well needed break during November, sorted some real life stuffs and now I'm back refreshed to write some new ideas! I will begin to write some in advance, and I hope you like it.
In fact I already wrote a couple of stories, one will be posted in a few hours after this post.

I remembered that I promised an interactive caption at the beginning of the year (not sure if any of you know or remember that😅). I actually had planned and made some outline of the interactive caption, but it seems like it got over complicated and I'm not too confident with how it will turn up. So at that moment I put it on pause until I can make the story works. However over time I hit a writer block and wasn't sure if I would continue the outline that I made. 

With that, I'm planning on making a new outline for the interactive caption, I already have some ideas for the theme, such as experimentation, or shopping, or even punishment. But haven't made the final decision yet. So i would love to hear what you think about it, which theme interest you, or let me know if you have another idea!

Also a little announcement, during my break I decided to start my own Ko-Fi page. Just as a way for me to get some xtra income doing what I like. So if you enjoy my blog so far, feel free to make a donations. 
Don't worry, this blog and all its contents will always be free, the Ko-Fi page is completely voluntary if you want to support me and keep me going. However there might be some special captions that are exclusive for those who donates!
Every donations are greatly appreciated!

Click here for my Ko-Fi page

Okay, I think thats a little update from me. Glad I'm back from my break and can't wait to continue writing you new stories. Thanks😘


  1. Succes with creating new stories, and enjoy the writing! - Tom -

  2. Jesse, my sis, I am back! Let's chat again sometime soon, okay?
