Thursday, June 6, 2024

Talk Some Sense into Him

 "You know what you're doing right?" my dad stood tall before me, as I sit comfortably in my new body.

"Absolutely" I replied short. He looks in disbelief as he eyed my body and my outfit

"Son, you know that this is permanent, right? And shes- i mean youre a-"

"Stop it. I'm not your son anymore. I made my decision, and things are done. We've both agreed to this, and this is my new life now. I am Stephanie Walters." 

"Ugh! You're unbelievable! You threw away your future just to be this sexy dancer? I thought I raised you better than this!"

"Shut up Mr. Hendricks! You have no rights to talk about MY NEW life! This is me now, so why dont you leave my house before I call the police!" I raised my voice and spat at my former father asking him to leave. He couldnt argue since he is in MY house now, Stephanie's house.

I watch him get in his car from my window as he drove away. My hand feeling the tight fishnet outfit I now wore, still having some disbelief that I actually swap bodies and life with this chick. Giving away a few years of my life, to be this hottie is all worth it. Plus the new Brandon would be so happy to be young and can start over as a boy. Its a win-win situation for both of us.


  1. That's a pretty good trade!

  2. Can you make one where a bully gets his victims girlfriend’s body for swap class and uses it to torment him?
