Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Don't Want this to End

Jim cupped his borrowed breasts once more knowing that this might be his last day wearing his old friend’s body. A week ago, the two old friends accidentally bumped into each other and it doesn’t take long before they both catch up. Both were complaining about how miserable their lifes are. 

Jim shared about his dead-end job, with no career improvements. Plus that he was recently divorced, and was so sad to life alone. On the other hand Chloe shares about her dream of being a business woman, starting her own business but her husband wouldn't allow her. They were constantly fighting, and she just wished she could escape it all. Lucky for the old friends, right across the street where the two met, were a magic shop. At first Jim thought it was a magic shop selling magic tricks, but it was more than that. 

Inside, were sold various magical books with spells and even some potions. Out of curiosity while still thinking it was all just a gag, the two ordered a body swapping potion. Instantly, once the two of them drank the potion they fell to the floor. Waking up, greeted by the storekeeper, and both were shocked that they were swapped for real!

The Shopkeeper told them that the potion would last a week, so they better try to live their lifes in their new body. Which both of them agreed. It was hard to settle in at first, specially for Jim to do all the feminine stuffs. Taking care of the house, and specially taking care of Chloe's husband's need. He felt bad for touching Chloe's body at first, but soon found out how great sex was as the opposite gender. And from the looks of it, Chloe's husband was more satisfied with the new Chloe. 

Jim loved this past week, without responsibility, he got to be a beautiful woman, and specially the sex. It was the highlight of the week. Now he wonders if he should ask Chloe to meet at the magic shop so they could get the Permanent Potion?